Jacqueline Baird - Jacqueline Baird - Jacqueline Baird

Book: The Billionaires Blackmailed Bride - Harlequin

Book: The Cost of Her Innocence - Harlequin

eBooks: Untamed Italian, Blackmailed Innocent (Harlequin comics) - Harlequin K.K. / SB Creative Corp.

Book: Pregnancy Of Revenge - Harlequin

eBooks: The Greek Tycoons Love-Child (Harlequin comics) - Harlequin K.K. / SB Creative Corp.

Book: Nothing Changes Love (Wedlocked) - Harlequin

eBooks: The Sabbides Secret Baby - Harlequin Presents

eBooks: The Valentine Child (Wedlocked!) - Harlequin Treasury-Harlequin Presents 90s

eBooks: The Italians Blackmailed Mistress (Harlequin Presents) - Harlequin Presents

eBooks: Wife: Bought and Paid For - Harlequin Presents

Book: Aristides Convenient Wife - Harlequin

Book: Husband On Trust (Presents Passion) (Passion, 2088) - Harlequin

eBooks: The Reluctant Fiancee - Harlequin Treasury-Harlequin Presents 90s

Book: ItalianS Runaway Bride - Harlequin

eBooks: Giordannis Proposal - Harlequin Treasury-Harlequin Presents 90s

Book: Bought By The Greek Tycoon - Harlequin

eBooks: A Devious Desire - Harlequin Treasury-Harlequin Presents 90s

Book: Picture of Innocence - Harlequin

Book: Return of the Moralis Wife - Harlequin Enterprises

Book: Marriage At His Convenience (Wedlocked) (Presents, 2196) - Harlequin

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Jacqueline Baird (Author of The Sabbides Secret Baby) - Goodreads
Jacqueline Baird was born on the 1st of April at home in a small village Northumbria, England, UK, where she raised. She went to the local village school...

Jacqueline Baird Book List - FictionDB
Jacqueline Baird -- the complete book list. Browse author series lists, sequels, pseudonyms, synopses, book covers, ratings and awards.

Amazon.com: Jacqueline Baird: Books, Biography, Blog ...
Results 1 - 12 of 47 ... Visit Amazon.com's Jacqueline Baird Page and shop for all Jacqueline Baird books and other Jacqueline Baird related products (DVD, CDs, ...

Jacqueline Baird - Fantastic Fiction
A bibliography of Jacqueline Baird's books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.

Shattered Trust: Jacqueline Baird: 9780373113590: Amazon.com ...
Shattered Trust [Jacqueline Baird] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Shattered Trust.

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