Entertainment Memorabilia: PHOTOPLAY Shirley Temple Rita Hayworth 8 1949
Book: PHOTOPLAY August 1949 Shirley Temple cover. INSIDE: articles Judy Garland, Ginger Rogers, Kirk Douglas. - Guy Travers Cinema Collectibles
Book: PHOTOPLAY Octobert 1949 Rita Hayworth on the cover, scarce. Inside we have full page ad THAT MIDNIGHT KISS with Mario Lanza, photos/articles: Kirk Douglas, Larry Parks, Greer Garson, June Haver, Rita Hayworth, Olivia De Haviland, MOntgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor. All magazines shipped in a protective-archival sleeve. - Guy Travers Cinema Collectibles
Book: PHOTOPLAY December 1949 Ingrid Bergman cover. INSIDE: full page ad ADAMS RIB with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, articles Ingrid Bergman, candids Myrna Loy, Clark Gable, Bob Hope. - Guy Travers Cinema Collectibles
Entertainment Memorabilia: PHOTOPLAY Betty Grable Montgomery Clift Robert Mitchum Judy Garland Liza 4 1949
Book: PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE September 1949 with ESTHER WILLIAMS on the cover, scarce. Inside we have full page ad MADAME BOVARY with Jennifer Jones. Articles/Photos on Montgomery Clift, James Stewart, Betty Grable, Lana Turner, Gary COoper. . All magazines shipped in a protective-archival sleeve. - Guy Travers Cinema Collectibles
Book: PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE July 1949 JANE POWELL on the cover (lite damage, spine tattered), scarce. Inside we have full page ad NEPTUNES DAUGHTER with Esther Williams. Inside stories/articles/photos Ingrid Bergman, Doris Day, Montgomery Clift, Linda Darnell, Elizabeth Taylor, Maureen OHara, Gene Tierney, Susan Hayward. All magazines shipped in a protective-archival sleeve. - Guy Travers Cinema Collectibles
Book: Photoplay Magazine, October 1949, with Rita Hayworth on the cover. Scarce. Inside we have a full page advertisement for THAT MIDNIGHT KISS with Kathryn Grayson and new-comer Mario Lanza. Articles and photos on Greer Garson, Dan Dailey, June Haver, Rita - MacFadden
Book: Photoplay Magazine JANE POWELL cover July 1949 - Photoplay
Book: Photoplay Magazine JUNE ALLYSON cover June 1949 - Photoplay
Book: Photoplay Magazine - November 1949 (Vol 36, No 6) - Macfadden Publications, Inc
Home: 1916 SEP Cover Woman Parrot Hat Portrait Neysa McMein - Original Cover - Authenticated
Book: Photoplay Magazine, September 1949, with Esther Williams on the cover. Scarce. Inside we have full page ad for Madame Bovary with Jennifer Jones; articles on Esther Williams, Montgomery Clift, James Stewart, Betty Grable, Lana Turner, June AllysonErrol - MacFadden
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